不知道为什么看的时候就觉得电影里是一个男人的世界电影外也是一个男人的世界最好的我们 电视剧虽然奥德修斯很忠心一心想回到妻子身边但他经受的苦难和诱惑实在是…(我不知道为什么我会有这种想法)男人写出的故事想到一首歌it's a man's man's man's world
2.5 Basically the same as the Kurosawa one, but this one is too clean and lacks lots of depths, details and some after-war, of course, defeated ones colonised smell. As the acting, Bill is good but Takashi is more vivid. Didn’t see any better differences between Kurosawa’s screenplay and Ishiguro‘s adaptation.